Monday, August 3, 2009

Help me buying snowblade (Skiboarding, mini ski) Tips?

I have been sking since I was 5 and been snow blading 7 years. I'm thinking about buying one because I go ski about 4 times a year and I thought it is waste of money renting every time I go for crappy used uncomfortable snowblades. I know how to use them but I never went to internet or store to find about them. I don't know what kind and type of snow blade there is. I don't know which one is best bang for buck. etc. I went to a store and found out most store don't have snow blades. They only have ski and snowboard. So I'm thing about buying the blades from internet and buy boot from store. Where can I start? Is there good site? What is regular price? Any tips?

Help me buying snowblade (Skiboarding, mini ski) Tips?

For everything you ever wanted to know about skiboarding visit , specifically the forum at It's a really welcoming place with a ton of regular members who will be more then happy to answer any questions you have. For videos of skiboards in action visit the gallery at


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