Friday, July 31, 2009

Does anyone know at what position a ski boot should fit on a snowblade binding between 1-8 rear and a-h front?

Just however you feel comfortable, but I would suggest that if you are tall, maybe put your boot nearer the front of the blade, as it helps your balance when landing from jumps, gives you more support so you dont fall flat on your back! Been there, done that!

The 1-8 rear and the a-h front is just the guide that is used for the size of your boot, but you can always change the fitting if you feel it is too loose, as it is easily changed. Hope this has answered your question.

Does anyone know at what position a ski boot should fit on a snowblade binding between 1-8 rear and a-h front?
Put them at 4 in the front and and e in the back. This allows for you to have equal balance in the front and back. Also makes it easier to edge.

mobility scooter

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